Create FREE Strong Random Passwords with Password Generator

Free Password Generator

Password generators are useful tools that can help you create strong, random passwords that are difficult to guess or hack. There are many different password generators available, both online and offline, and some of them are free to use (like this one).

One of the best ways to generate a random password is to use a password generator that includes a list of random words, numbers, and special characters. This can help ensure that your password is strong and difficult to guess.

Why Should I Use a Password Generator?

There are several reasons why you should use a password generator:

  • To create strong, unique passwords: A password generator can help you create strong, unique passwords that are difficult to guess or hack. This can protect your personal information and prevent others from accessing your accounts.
  • To reduce the risk of password reuse: Many people use the same password for multiple accounts, which increases the risk of their accounts being compromised if one of their passwords is hacked. A password generator can help you create unique passwords for each of your accounts, which reduces the risk of password reuse.
  • To save time: Creating strong, unique passwords can be time-consuming, especially if you have a lot of accounts to manage. A password generator can help you create strong passwords quickly and easily, saving you time and effort.
  • To comply with security requirements: Some organizations have security requirements that mandate the use of strong, unique passwords. A password generator can help you create passwords that meet these requirements.

Overall, using a password generator can help you create strong, unique passwords that protect your personal information and reduce the risk of your accounts being compromised.

How to Use Password Generator?

If you're wondering how to generate a strong password: at Least 8 characters with UPPER-lower case, numbers and symbols mixed together like this one:

Ciz#M$74 , j9pD1$&I, 4Vu#U6#u
(anyway, do not use this example as password. Just generate the new one below ;)

Note:We DO NOT STORE the passwords from this generated.

A few Setup for Strong Passwords

Password Length (8 - 20 chars) :
Lowercase :
( e.g. qwertz)
Uppercase :
( e.g. QWERTZ)

Numbers :
( e.g. 098765)
Symbols :
( e.g. !#$%^&)


It's important to use a strong password to protect your personal information and prevent others from accessing your accounts. A password generator can help you create a strong password that will keep your information safe.

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Moral Story about Password

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Sarah who had an online account with a popular shopping website. She had been using the same password for years, and she had never had any issues with her account being compromised.

One day, Sarah received an email from the shopping website alerting her that there had been some suspicious activity on her account. She immediately changed her password, but the next day, she received another email saying that her account had been hacked again.

Sarah realized that her old password was no longer secure and decided to create a new, stronger password. She used a password generator to create a long, random string of characters that included numbers, symbols, and upper and lowercase letters.

Sarah felt much more confident in the security of her account with her new, strong password. She made a note of it in a secure location and never had any issues with her account being hacked again.

The end.